Orion Streaming and Scoring Stage
Our latest room that came online in 2020 is the ORION Streaming and Scoring Stage. Offering the finest in Live-streaming, high resolution Sessions and Score to Picture from Phat Planet Studios! This stage is completely networked to the Studio A control room with 32-channel microphone capability, full CAT6 networking, and multi-camera SDI cabling for cameras to the switching system. A commercial quality streaming system is in place that can broadcast to two social media platforms simultaneously!
A large venue HD projector is permanently installed and a large motorized screen provides score to picture capability. HD video cameras and monitors are mounted in all studio rooms so that talent can see each other during sessions. We can have an ensemble of up to 16 people in the Orion stage in conjunction with a full band in studio A all completely connected to each other! The flexibility and large production capability is incredible. Contact us today to discuss your next streaming production or live broadcast.

If you’re interested in shooting a music video, live-stream or other performance video content in the streaming stage, please click the info link below. Tell us about your project and we’ll prepare a custom quote for you and your artists!